Sunday, September 9

Creating a Club

I had the bright idea to create and supervise a book club at school. I thought that it would be a great way to have students read books that would be interesting to them on their own, and I would love to read a book for fun (during the school year, the only thing that I had time to read last year were books that I was going to teach). Also, supervising a club would look great on my resume. I did not realize how much work it would be at the high school where I work. When I was in high school, we had a book club meeting once a month, discussed the book that we read, and then chose another book. However, at the high school where I am employed, the student activities director wants my students who are interested to write up a constitution, decide on events and fundraisers, and have a calendar of events ready to go by this Friday. I don't know if I will get the amount of students needed to form this club, and I don't know how to get the students to write the constitution. Frankly, I don't know how to do any of this. Does anyone have suggestions/ideas?